I deliberately try to photograph what I believe to be real objects in the real world, hoping to prove to myself that I was present; instead my photos are a surrealist montage of unanticipated moments.
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I yearn for a glance, a grimace, a wink, a smile – those small gestures that have the power to shape our memories and define our experiences. But as I pass through this fog of forgetfulness, I feel lost. I cannot remember where I left those eyes that once looked at me so kindly.
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Their presence was like a Siren’s call. It spoke to a primal yearning, a longing for connection and belonging.
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The memories of my travels through India have faded, slipped away like the world beneath the clouds of Darjeeling. I have lost sight of a distant place that was once so vivid, and the thought fills me with a sense of curiosity.
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Once, I followed the passing of time at a British hop farm. Years seemed to pass as a flash of sunlight on water. Amidst the transformations, unexpectedly, some traditions remained.
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I recall azure waves, the textures of everyday European life, en passant. Snapshots of old and new, continuity and change. Collective identities in the midst of individual metamorphosis…
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And across that expanse, somewhere within the misty valley, I realise we were together, playfully singing.
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As my memories become ever more fragile with each passing day, I find myself questioning my existence, my presence, and look to photography to help me recollect whom I might have been.

I wonder whether the images are merely passive documents of the fleeting moments that make up our lives, ‘this is how it unfolded’?

Or do they serve as a means of shaping and interpreting our own narratives, ‘this was the way I saw it unfold’

Perhaps they are nothing more than a desperate attempt to hold on to what little I experienced before the encroaching void of memory-less oblivion consumes me whole?


I think they are silent sanctuaries. Tangible clouds of remembrance of a life once lived. 

Each picture a misty, surreal moment in time and space, or an sliver of Self, that I now cannot recall.

Struggling but determined, I pour over their details, tracing the ghostly contours of the once-familiar faces, places, emotions that once shaped my universe, my existence.

I practiced photography as a will to remember.

And present to you this atlas of memories.